机器人将来能为我们做什么?60词英语作文,170 机器人能做哪些事用英文回答



The robot can do for us in the future? In twenty-second Century, humans have invented the high-tech robot. Robots can help people mopping the floor, washing, cooking and so on, as long as you want, the robot can help you. Not only that, when you are sad, he can become a good friend, to comfort you, accompany you; when you are happy, the robot can and you laugh. Right! I almost forgot, robots have a function, if you are in the process of doing homework, encountered any problems, the robot can also replace teachers explain to you oh! 译文: 机器人将来能为我们做什么? 在22世纪,人类已经发明了高科技机器人。机器人可以帮助人类拖地、洗碗、做饭等等,只要你想得到,机器人都可以帮助你完成。 不仅如此,在你伤心的时候,他可以变成1个好朋友,来安慰你、陪伴你;在你快乐的时候,机器人可以和你1起哈哈大笑。 对了!差点忘了,机器人还有1个功能,就是如果你在做作业的过程中,遇到了什么难题的话,机器人还可以代替老师为你讲解哦! (纯手写!放心使用!嫌长了随便删)。

170 机器人能做哪些事用英文回答

2、170 机器人能做哪些事用英文回答

“机器人能做哪些事”用英文回答是:“The robot can only work on those monotonously repeated and consistent jobs according to the algorithm program written by people. However, the robot can reduce human labor power and increase production efficiency.”机器人只能根据人们编写的的算法程式,做那些单调反覆不断而且1成不变的工作,然而,机器人可以减少人为的劳动力、而且提高生产效率。 句子里的:“The robot can only work on”中文回答意思是:机器人只能做 。。 ; “those monotonously repeated and consistent jobs”中文回答意思是:那些单调反覆不断而且1成不变的工作 ;“according to algorithm program”中文回答意思是:根据 。。算法程式 ;“written by people. ”中文回答意思是:人们编写的 ;“However”中文回答意思是:然而 ;“the robot can”中文回答意思是:机器人可以 ;“reduce human labor power”中文回答意思是:减少人为的劳动力 ;“and increase production efficiency.”中文回答意思是:、而且提高生产效率 。
